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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * This class is the base for all layout types: component and container.
 * @protected
Ext.define('Ext.layout.Layout', {
    requires: [

    uses: [ 'Ext.layout.Context' ],

     * @property {Boolean} isLayout
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Layout, or subclass thereof.
     * @readonly
    isLayout: true,
    initialized: false,
    running: false,

    autoSizePolicy: {
        readsWidth: 1,
        readsHeight: 1,
        setsWidth: 0,
        setsHeight: 0

    statics: {
        layoutsByType: {},

        create: function(layout, defaultType) {
            var ClassManager = Ext.ClassManager,
                layoutsByType = this.layoutsByType,
                alias, className, config, layoutClass, type, load;

            if (!layout || typeof layout === 'string') {
                type = layout || defaultType;
                config = {};                    
            } else if (layout.isLayout) {
                return layout;
            } else {
                config = layout;
                type = layout.type || defaultType;

            if (!(layoutClass = layoutsByType[type])) {
                alias = 'layout.' + type;
                className = ClassManager.getNameByAlias(alias);

                // this is needed to support demand loading of the class
                if (!className) {
                    load = true;
                layoutClass = ClassManager.get(className);
                if (load || !layoutClass) {
                    return ClassManager.instantiateByAlias(alias, config || {});
                layoutsByType[type] = layoutClass;

            return new layoutClass(config);

    constructor : function(config) {
        var me = this;

        me.id = Ext.id(null, me.type + '-');
        Ext.apply(me, config);
        me.layoutCount = 0;

     * @property {Boolean} done Used only during a layout run, this value indicates that a
     * layout has finished its calculations. This flag is set to true prior to the call to
     * {@link #calculate} and should be set to false if this layout has more work to do.

     * Called before any calculation cycles to prepare for layout.
     * This is a write phase and DOM reads should be strictly avoided when overridding
     * this method.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method beginLayout
    beginLayout: Ext.emptyFn,

     * Called before any calculation cycles to reset DOM values and prepare for calculation.
     * This is a write phase and DOM reads should be strictly avoided when overridding
     * this method.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method beginLayoutCycle
    beginLayoutCycle: function (ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            context = me.context,

        if (me.lastWidthModel != ownerContext.widthModel) {
            if (me.lastWidthModel) {
                changed = true;
            me.lastWidthModel = ownerContext.widthModel;

        if (me.lastHeightModel != ownerContext.heightModel) {
            if (me.lastWidthModel) {
                changed = true;
            me.lastHeightModel = ownerContext.heightModel;

        if (changed) {
            (context = ownerContext.context).clearTriggers(me, false);
            context.clearTriggers(me, true);
            me.triggerCount = 0;

     * Called to perform the calculations for this layout. This method will be called at
     * least once and may be called repeatedly if the {@link #done} property is cleared
     * before return to indicate that this layout is not yet done. The {@link #done} property
     * is always set to `true` before entering this method.
     * This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes.
     * Instead, DOM writes need to be written to {@link Ext.layout.ContextItem} objects to
     *  be flushed at the next opportunity.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method calculate
     * @abstract

     * This method (if implemented) is called at the end of the cycle in which this layout
     * completes (by not setting {@link #done} to `false` in {@link #calculate}). It is
     * possible for the layout to complete and yet become invalid before the end of the cycle,
     * in which case, this method will not be called. It is also possible for this method to
     * be called and then later the layout becomes invalidated. This will result in
     * {@link #calculate} being called again, followed by another call to this method.
     * This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes.
     * Instead, DOM writes need to be written to {@link Ext.layout.ContextItem} objects to
     * be flushed at the next opportunity.
     * This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be
     * implemented when needed.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method completeLayout

     * This method (if implemented) is called after all layouts have completed. In most
     * ways this is similar to {@link #completeLayout}. This call can cause this (or any
     * layout) to be become invalid (see {@link Ext.layout.Context#invalidate}), but this
     * is best avoided. This method is intended to be where final reads are made and so it
     * is best to avoid invalidating layouts at this point whenever possible. Even so, this
     * method can be used to perform final checks that may require all other layouts to be
     * complete and then invalidate some results.
     * This is a read phase and DOM writes should be strictly avoided in derived classes.
     * Instead, DOM writes need to be written to {@link Ext.layout.ContextItem} objects to
     * be flushed at the next opportunity.
     * This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be
     * implemented when needed.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method finalizeLayout

     * This method is called after all layouts are complete and their calculations flushed
     * to the DOM. No further layouts will be run and this method is only called once per
     * layout run. The base component layout caches `lastComponentSize`.
     * This is a write phase and DOM reads should be avoided if possible when overridding
     * this method.
     * This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be
     * implemented when needed.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
    finishedLayout: function (ownerContext) {
        this.lastWidthModel = ownerContext.widthModel;
        this.lastHeightModel = ownerContext.heightModel;
        this.ownerContext = null;
     * This method (if implemented) is called after all layouts are finished, and all have
     * a `lastComponentSize` cached. No further layouts will be run and this method is only
     * called once per layout run. It is the bookend to {@link #beginLayout}.
     * This is a write phase and DOM reads should be avoided if possible when overridding
     * this method. This is the catch-all tail method to a layout and so the rules are more
     * relaxed. Even so, for performance reasons, it is best to avoid reading the DOM. If
     * a read is necessary, consider implementing a {@link #finalizeLayout} method to do the
     * required reads.
     * This method need not be implemented by derived classes and, in fact, should only be
     * implemented when needed.
     * @param {Ext.layout.ContextItem} ownerContext The context item for the layout's owner
     * component.
     * @method notifyOwner
    redoLayout: Ext.emptyFn,
    undoLayout: Ext.emptyFn,

    getAnimatePolicy: function() {
        return this.animatePolicy;

     * Returns an object describing how this layout manages the size of the given component.
     * This method must be implemented by any layout that manages components.
     * @param {Ext.Component} item
     * @return {Ext.layout.SizePolicy} An object describing the sizing done by the layout
     * for this item.
     * @protected
    getItemSizePolicy: function (item) {
        return this.autoSizePolicy;

    isItemBoxParent: function (itemContext) {
        return false;

    isItemLayoutRoot: function (item) {
        var sizeModel = item.getSizeModel(),
            width = sizeModel.width,
            height = sizeModel.height;

        // If this component has never had a layout and some of its dimensions are set by
        // its ownerLayout, we cannot be the layoutRoot...
        if (!item.componentLayout.lastComponentSize && (width.calculated || height.calculated)) {
            return false;

        // otherwise an ownerCt whose size is not effected by its content is a root
        return !width.shrinkWrap && !height.shrinkWrap;

    isItemShrinkWrap: function (item) {
        return item.shrinkWrap;

    isRunning: function () {
        return !!this.ownerContext;

     * Clears any styles which must be cleared before layout can take place.
     * Only DOM WRITES must be performed at this stage.
     * An entry for the owner's element ID must be created in the layoutContext containing
     * a reference to the target which must be sized/positioned/styled by the layout at
     * the flush stage:
     *     {
     *         target: me.owner
     *     }
     * Component layouts should iterate through managed Elements,
     * pushing an entry for each element:
     *     {
     *         target: childElement
     *     }

    getItemsRenderTree: function (items, renderCfgs) {
        var length = items.length,
            i, item, itemConfig, result;

        if (length) {
            result = [];
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                item = items[i];

                // If we are being asked to move an already rendered Component, we must not recalculate its renderTree
                // and rerun its render process. The Layout's isValidParent check will ensure that the DOM is moved into place.
                if (!item.rendered) {

                    // If we've already calculated the item's element config, don't calculate it again.
                    // This may happen if the rendering process mutates the owning Container's items
                    // collection, and Ext.layout.Container#getRenderTree runs through the collection again.
                    // Note that the config may be null if a beforerender listener vetoed the operation, so
                    // we must compare to undefined.
                    if (renderCfgs && (renderCfgs[item.id] !== undefined)) {
                        itemConfig = renderCfgs[item.id];
                    } else {
                        // Perform layout preprocessing in the bulk render path
                        itemConfig = item.getRenderTree();
                        if (renderCfgs) {
                            renderCfgs[item.id] = itemConfig;

                    // itemConfig mey be null if a beforerender listener vetoed the operation.
                    if (itemConfig) {

        return result;

    finishRender: Ext.emptyFn,

    finishRenderItems: function (target, items) {
        var length = items.length,
            i, item;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            item = items[i];

            // Only postprocess items which are being rendered. deferredRender may mean that only one has been rendered.
            if (item.rendering) {

                // Tell the item at which index in the Container it is


    renderChildren: function () {
        var me = this,
            items = me.getLayoutItems(),
            target = me.getRenderTarget();

        me.renderItems(items, target);

     * Iterates over all passed items, ensuring they are rendered.  If the items are already rendered,
     * also determines if the items are in the proper place in the dom.
     * @protected
    renderItems : function(items, target) {
        var me = this,
            ln = items.length,
            i = 0,

        if (ln) {
            for (; i < ln; i++) {
                item = items[i];
                if (item && !item.rendered) {
                    me.renderItem(item, target, i);
                } else if (!me.isValidParent(item, target, i)) {
                    me.moveItem(item, target, i);
                } else {
                    // still need to configure the item, it may have moved in the container.

     * Validates item is in the proper place in the dom.
     * @protected
    isValidParent : function(item, target, position) {
        var itemDom = item.el ? item.el.dom : Ext.getDom(item),
            targetDom = (target && target.dom) || target,
            parentNode = itemDom.parentNode,

        // If it's resizable+wrapped, the position element is the wrapper.
        if (parentNode) {
            className = parentNode.className;
            if (className && className.indexOf(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'resizable-wrap') !== -1) {
                itemDom = itemDom.parentNode;

        // Test DOM nodes for equality using "===" : http://jsperf.com/dom-equality-test
        if (itemDom && targetDom) {
            if (typeof position == 'number') {
                position = this.getPositionOffset(position);
                return itemDom === targetDom.childNodes[position];
            return itemDom.parentNode === targetDom;

        return false;
    getPositionOffset: function(position){
        return position;

     * Called before an item is rendered to allow the layout to configure the item.
     * @param {Ext.Component} item The item to be configured
     * @protected
    configureItem: function(item) {
        item.ownerLayout = this;

     * Renders the given Component into the target Element.
     * @param {Ext.Component} item The Component to render
     * @param {Ext.dom.Element} target The target Element
     * @param {Number} position The position within the target to render the item to
     * @private
    renderItem : function(item, target, position) {
        var me = this;
        if (!item.rendered) {
            item.render(target, position);

     * Moves Component to the provided target instead.
     * @private
    moveItem : function(item, target, position) {
        target = target.dom || target;
        if (typeof position == 'number') {
            position = target.childNodes[position];
        target.insertBefore(item.el.dom, position || null);
        item.container = Ext.get(target);

     * This method is called when a child item changes in some way. By default this calls
     * {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#updateLayout} on this layout's owner.
     * @param {Ext.Component} child The child item that has changed.
     * @return {Boolean} True if this layout has handled the content change.
    onContentChange: function () {
        return true;

     * A one-time initialization method called just before rendering.
     * @protected
    initLayout : function() {
        this.initialized = true;

    // @private Sets the layout owner
    setOwner : function(owner) {
        this.owner = owner;

     * Returns the set of items to layout (empty by default).
     * @protected
    getLayoutItems : function() {
        return [];

    onAdd: function (item) {
        item.ownerLayout = this;
    afterRenderItem: Ext.emptyFn,
    onRemove : Ext.emptyFn,
    onDestroy : Ext.emptyFn,

     * Removes layout's itemCls and owning Container's itemCls.
     * Clears the managed dimensions flags
     * @protected
    afterRemove : function(item) {
        var me = this,
            el = item.el,
            owner = me.owner,

        if (item.rendered) {
            removeClasses = [].concat(me.itemCls || []);
            if (owner.itemCls) {
                removeClasses = Ext.Array.push(removeClasses, owner.itemCls);
            if (removeClasses.length) {

        delete item.ownerLayout;

     * Destroys this layout. This method removes a `targetCls` from the `target`
     * element and calls `onDestroy`.
     * A derived class can override either this method or `onDestroy` but in all
     * cases must call the base class versions of these methods to allow the base class to
     * perform its cleanup.
     * This method (or `onDestroy`) are overridden by subclasses most often to purge
     * event handlers or remove unmanged DOM nodes.
     * @protected
    destroy : function() {
        var me = this,

        if (me.targetCls) {
            target = me.getTarget();
            if (target) {


    sortWeightedItems: function (items, reverseProp) {
        for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; ++i) {
            items[i].$i = i;

        Ext.Array.sort(items, function (item1, item2) {
            var ret = item2.weight - item1.weight;

            if (!ret) {
                ret = item1.$i - item2.$i;
                if (item1[reverseProp]) {
                    ret = -ret;

            return ret;

        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            delete items[i].$i;
}, function () {
    var Layout = this;

    Layout.prototype.sizeModels = Layout.sizeModels = Ext.layout.SizeModel.sizeModels;